This is a real tribute to Mr Beck. Remember to vote tomorrow for Mark Clement Alpine School Board.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Christian Weibell Endorsement
I appreciate Christian J Weibell endorsement. He is a great leader in educational technology and cares deeply about learning.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Invest in Education
I oppose Federal control of education as much as any candidate, but I think there are other issues that are just as important. I feel that strong education can really improve Utah's economy. And I think that a focus on math and science skills will benefit all of us.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Best Campaign Worker
This is the best campaign worker I have ever seen. My grandson calls me "Opah", so he is saying "Vote for Opah".
School Board Debate
Here is a video of the debate for Alpine School Board District #4 in case you were not able to attend on Tuesday. I was so impressed by the students who put together the questions and ran the debate. As I talked to them, I had great hope for our future.
Friday, October 14, 2016
School Funding
Three Alpine School District board members recently authored a letter where they promised to vote to reduce the District budget by 6% to avoid federal mandates. Although I would like to avoid the strings that come with federal funding, this is not the time to reduce the budget for our children. Utah currently ranks last in the nation in per-student funding spending only $6,555 per pupil compared to New York at $19,818 per pupil and a national average of $10,700. If anything, we need to increase education funding to prepare our students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields where educational costs are higher. I am disturbed when board members attempt to score political points at the expense of our most vulnerable citizens (our children).
Administrative Costs
Utah school administration costs average $63 per student, compared to a national average of $202. I think that most people think the administrative overhead is greater than it is.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016
This video provides an overview of the bond. I see no other way to deal with the growth we are having in the district.
Monday, September 12, 2016
New Teacher Qualifications
I am disappointed that the State School Board decided to address the teacher shortage by reducing the standards for teachers. This shortage has been predicted since at least 2006 and the real solution is to provide increased support to attract high quality teachers.…/op-ed-all-viable-solutions-to-teach……/op-ed-all-viable-solutions-to-teach…
A Punny Story
Friday, September 9, 2016
Video in Watergarden Theatre
As I look to the future, I see an increasing demand for graduates with technology skills.
We need a school board member who will support our students in preparing for these high paying jobs.
My background as a Computer Science Professor and father of 9 Alpine School District students has prepared me to make a difference serving you.
A vote for Mark Clement is a vote for the future.
We need a school board member who will support our students in preparing for these high paying jobs.
My background as a Computer Science Professor and father of 9 Alpine School District students has prepared me to make a difference serving you.
A vote for Mark Clement is a vote for the future.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Local School Board Limitations
Some people have asked about what local school boards could change in terms of the core curriculum and SAGE testing.
This clarification from State Board of Education indicates that neither of these items can be modified by local school boards or charter schools. If you are concerned about changing these issues, then you should be selecting state school board members who share your views.
The Utah Core Standards ( are under the governance of the Utah State Board of Education. Utah law does not permit local boards – district or charter – to opt out of state academic standards. The Utah State Board of Education did adopt the Common Core standards back in 2010. Common Core is limited to math and English language arts standards. Those standards have been revised since 2010 and are part of an ongoing process to evaluate their effectiveness and relevance. You can see the revision schedule here: You may want to also note the new federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA,, passed earlier this year by Congress, prohibits the federal government from determining or approve state academic standards (you’ll find it on page 436 of the ESSA link above).
The Utah Core Standards ( are under the governance of the Utah State Board of Education. Utah law does not permit local boards – district or charter – to opt out of state academic standards. The Utah State Board of Education did adopt the Common Core standards back in 2010. Common Core is limited to math and English language arts standards. Those standards have been revised since 2010 and are part of an ongoing process to evaluate their effectiveness and relevance. You can see the revision schedule here: You may want to also note the new federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA,, passed earlier this year by Congress, prohibits the federal government from determining or approve state academic standards (you’ll find it on page 436 of the ESSA link above).
State law (…, section 3 specifically) requires the State Board to require computer-adaptive testing of all local districts and charter schools. That same rule – in section 9 – allows a district or charter to waive SAGE testing in grade 11. Though it’s not written into state law, the intent behind that waiver deals with all Utah public school students being given the ACT college entrance exam. If they’re taking the ACT, SAGE may be redundant and there is evidence this would be acceptable under the federal ESSA rules as well. Utah is not the only state moving in this direction.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Technology for Teachers
Local Control
Local control is a common buzz word in todays politics.
What can an Alpine School Board member really do?
They can't eliminate federal programs or eliminate federal requirements.
Congress and Department of Education can make these changes, but not the district school board.
The Governor and State Board of Education can negotiate for waivers, but a local school board member cant impact these federal requirements.
A district school board member can't change testing.
All districts must Implement state tests.
District School Boards can’t alter the test created by the State School Board.
Home schooling lets parents control curriculum, but a particular parent cant have total control over their school curriculum.
The Alpine School Board doesn't oversee home schools.
They also don’t oversee charter schools.
A district school board member can have an impact.
Mark Clement disagreed with the investigations math curriculum.
He pushed for local control by giving parents more influence in how math is taught.
Parents helped select math text books that had more of a balanced approach.
Vote for Mark Clement for Real Local Control
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Endorsement from Tim Brantley
I appreciate Mr Brantley. He has done an amazing job as the Principal of Pleasant Grove High Alpine School District #alpineschools

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
New Pleasant Grove High School Principal
Dr Steve Stewart from Vista Heights Middle School will be joining Pleasant Grove High School as the principal next year. We are excited to have his talents, but will miss Mr Brantley.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Pleasant Grove Community Council
The Pleasant Grove High School Community Council has just finished the Academic Improvement Plan for next year. After reviewing the data, we determined that the greatest needs of the school were in writing, biology and secondary math. We will be funding graders for english writing assignments, additional microscope technology and ipads for secondary math from the trust lands funds. It has been great to work with the school administration and teachers to make these decisions. They are a great group of people who really care about the children.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Legislative Burden
The Utah Legislature has completed their work for the 2016 General Legislative Session. I am disturbed by the burden that the legislature places on community councils. I am in favor of the increases in trustlands distributions.
Both bills - SJR 12 and SB109 - related to more prudent management and distribution of the permanent fund passed. This is the fund that generates revenue for the School LAND Trust Program. Together, the two bills will stabilize and increase the annual distribution to schools if the constitutional amendment created by SJR 12 passes in the November election. Historically, the distribution has been between 2 and 2.5% annually. The investment board believes 4% more accurately reflects their legal responsibility to balance the benefit to current and future school children.
SJR 12 Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution – Changes to School Funds (Sponsor: Senator Millner) is a constitutional change. It clarifies that today’s investments return earnings other than just interest and dividends. It caps any distribution at 4% of the market value of the fund to protect the fund from over distribution. This bill will be on the ballot next November. It is important that councils help educate parents, educators, and community members about what the change will accomplish for schools. It passed the legislature with a unanimous vote.
SB 109 School and Institutional Trust Lands Amendments (Sponsor: Senator Millner) puts in code the distribution policy. The policy is based on the market value of the fund over three years and adds a component for both student growth and inflation. If that number is higher than the 4% cap, the distribution for the year would be limited to 4%.
HB 343 School Administration Amendments (Sponsor: Representative Stratton) passed with a unanimous vote. It doesn’t change anything in current practice. It clarifies that when school community councils hold elections in the spring, the parent of an incoming student may both run for the council and vote. It clarifies that professional development plans and reading achievement plans are part of the School Improvement Plans councils review and approve annually.
2SHB 277 Personalized Learning and Teaching Amendments (Sponsor: Representative Knotwell) appropriates $9,652,400 ongoing funds and $3,000,000 in one time funds to districts/LEAs through Digital Teaching and Learning Grants. Councils may want to understand what districts/LEAs intend to do with this grant money if councils have been spending School LAND Trust funds on digital related goals.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Utah Per-pupil Spending
The U.S. average for per-pupil spending stands at $11,841, after adjusting for regional cost differences. Vermont had the highest per-pupil spending at $19,134. On the other end of the spectrum, Utah, the lowest-ranking state, spends $7,084.
Local Control
I am concerned about bills from the state legislature that interfere with local schools. HB0403 passed in 2015 requires local schools to survey parents. We were warned in the Pleasant Grove Community Council to expect surveys from all of our children's teachers. I trust my children's teachers to initiate surveys if they feel it is necessary, but I feel like local control over these kind of things is much better.
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