Thursday, June 6, 2024

Taking Care of students

I was riding my bike past the Lindon Temple today and thought about how much I love living near the temple.  My daughter lives in Poland and has a 4-6 hour drive to get to the temple.

It may seem that there is some unfairness here.  Why not build a temple in Poland instead of Lindon?  I believe that the answer lies in an understanding that church leaders are trying to serve members of the church where ever they live.  They build temples and chapels to meet the needs of each member of the church and it makes no sense to feel that there is unfairness because people are treated differently.

In Alpine School District, there is a similar effort to meet the needs of each student even though they may be treated differently.  Some schools are larger, some are smaller, but the emphasis is to provide each student with an excellent education.  Comparing schools in different parts of the district is not productive from my perspective.  

Monday, February 26, 2024

Platform for 2024 Election

I thought it would be good to provide a summary of things I believe in.

Alpine School Board Campaign

Mark Clement

District #5



  • Student Achievement - The most important element here is quality teachers

  • Increased Teacher Salaries - Teachers work better when they are reasonably compensated

  • Smaller Classes - Studies have shown that smaller classes result in higher student achievement and better teacher satisfaction.


  • Listening to input from teachers, parents and students to understand the issues

  • Collaborating to find a data driven strategy

  • Persuading other board members to adopt a strategy

No board member can make a decision in isolation.  A board member has no power individually, only through the majority of the board.


  • New School Funding - We currently pay as much as 40% more for buildings if we bond and make payments.  I would like to move towards having the district save up for building projects and avoid the interest.

  • Consolidation - As school age populations decline, I want to keep students and teachers together as they move to a new school.

  • Legislative Work - I want to help the legislature to catch the vision of increased educational achievement in Utah and then help to support them in getting there.


  • I am committed to moving decision making to the most local level.  Empowering principles and classroom teachers to make decisions for their students results in better outcomes.

  • Make deliberate decisions based on data.  I want to invite the public to contribute to a solution and this takes time.

  • Be transparent and honest with parents as to what is possible instead of just telling them what they want to hear.


  • Helped select the best Superintendent and Business Manager in the state

  • Helped to create financial information that is easier for the public to understand.

  • Helped to keep elementary schools together when consolidation is necessary


  • Served as president of the Alpine School Board as we came out of COVID

  • President Elect for the Utah School Boards association, serving students throughout the state

  • Computer Science Professor at BYU and advocate for STEAM education

Friday, January 5, 2024

Utah School Boards Association annual conference

 I am so impressed with the Utah School Boards Association annual conference #usba2024

President Shane Reese, President of BYU gave an amazing address.  I feel honored to serve with so many good people who care about kids.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


I am so impressed with School Board members from around the nation that are advocating for education in Washington DC. Utah School Boards Association - USBA leadership are having a significant impact nationally. I feel honored to work with them.

Monday, November 7, 2016

This is a real tribute to Mr Beck. Remember to vote tomorrow for Mark Clement Alpine School Board.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Christian Weibell Endorsement

I appreciate Christian J Weibell endorsement. He is a great leader in educational technology and cares deeply about learning.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Invest in Education

I oppose Federal control of education as much as any candidate, but I think there are other issues that are just as important. I feel that strong education can really improve Utah's economy. And I think that a focus on math and science skills will benefit all of us.